How do you get ready for a new school year? In the first part of Acts 1, Luke has introduced his second volume, recorded Christ’s great commission to his apostles, and described Jesus’ ascension into heaven. In our text, Acts 1:12–26, he pictures the church preparing, in a 10 day period, for the event of Pentecost. Even though you cannot repeat the event, what can you learn from that time of preparation?
Pray! Ask God for what he has promised. Absolutely essential is prayer. Luke is describing the beginning of the church in its New Testament form. He lists the apostles by name, the men that Jesus had chosen (Luke 6:12–16) to be his disciples during his earthly ministry and then to be the pillars, the foundation pieces, of the church after his resurrection. They were part of the whole body, numbering about 120. Luke describes the larger body, including the women, because the office of believer is very important. Jesus’ brothers have now come to believe. This is the last mention in Scripture of Mary, the mother of Jesus. While we are not told specifically the exact content of the the praying described in Acts 1:14, look back at Acts 1:4 and 8. Almost certainly Luke wants you to understand that the church was praying for the promised gift of the Holy Spirit. When God has promised something, you know it’s going to happen. But God still wants you to ask him for it. Look at Daniel 9, as the prophet prays for what he knows God will do.
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