Audio recordings of sermons preached at Trinity Presbyterian Church are available here. Unless otherwise indicated, the sermons were preached by Pastor Mahaffy.
Caution — please do not listen to these messages if doing so is taking the place of your being involved in the fellowship of a church and under its care. A “virtual church” is not a substitute for the real thing!
Audio files are in mp3 format.
- April 5, 2020, p.m.: “A Mother in Israel” Judges 5:7 (Judges 5)
March 29, 2020, a.m.: “In the Midst of a Pandemic Your Heavenly Father Cares for You” Matthew 6:25–34 (Psalm 104; Matthew 6:25–34}
- March 22, 2020, a.m.: “Where Is Your Treasure?” Matthew 6:19–24 (Proverbs 23:1–11; Matthew 6:19–34)
- March 22, 2020, p..m.: “The Unexpected Victor” Judges 4
- March 15, 2020, a.m.: “Prayer and Fasting” Matthew 6:16–18 (Isaiah 48; Matthew 6:1–18)
- March 15, 2020, p.m.: “A Message from God” Joshua 3:7–31
- August 18, 2019: “Exodus–Part 2” Matthew 2:13–15 (Hosea 11:1–11; Matthew 2:13–23)
- August 11, 2019: “Piety for the Sake of Christ” Hebrews 2:1–18, by Mr. James Hieter (Malachi 3:16–4:6: Hebrews 2:1–18)
- August 4, 2019, “The Revelation of Jesus Christ” Hebrews 1:1–14, by Mr. James Hieter (Genesis 1:1–2:3: Hebrews 1:1–14)
- July 28, 2019: “Where Is Your King?” Matthew 2:1–12 (Micah 5; Matthew 2:1–12)
- July 21, 2019: “Immanuel: God with Us!” Matthew 1:18-25 (Isaiah 7; Matthew 1:18-25)
- July 14, 2019: “Why All These Names?” Matthew 1:1–17 (Genesis 12:1–9; Matthew 1:1–17)
- July 7, 2019: “Good News by a Follower of Jesus” Matthew 9:9–13 (Hosea 6; Matthew 1:1; 9:1–13; 28:16–20)
- June 2, 2019, “The Church: A Body of Witnesses” Acts 1:8 (Psalm 65; Acts 1:1–11)
- May 26, 2019, “The Church: A Forgiven and Forgiving People” Ex. 34:4–7 (Exodus 33:12–34:14; 1 Peter 2:1–12)
- May 19, 2019, “The Church: A Holy People in the Presence of a Holy God” Hebrews 12:14 (Isaiah 6; Hebrews 12)
- May 12, 2019, “The Church: Feeding on the Living Bread” 1 Corinthians 11:23–32 (Exodus 12:1–13; 1 Corinthians 11:17–32)
- May 5, 2019, “The Church: Baptized into Christ and His Body” Romans 6:1–14 (Genesis 17; Romans 6:1–14)
- April 28, 2019, “God’s Pursuit of His People” Genesis 35:1–15, by Mr. James Hieter (Scripture readings: Genesis 35:1–15; Luke 15)
- April 21, 2019, “The Church of the Risen Lord” Colossians 3:1–4 (Scripture readings: Isaiah 53; Colossians 3:1–17)
- October 28, 2018, “Bewitched!” Galatians 3:1–5 (Scripture readings: Ezekiel 37:1–14; Galatians 3:1–14)
- October 21, 2018, “Alive in Christ!” Galatians 2:20 (Scripture readings: Isaiah 51:1–16; Romans 6:1–14)
- October 14, 2018, “Justified by Faith” Galatians 2:15–16 (Scripture readings: Genesis 15; Galatians 2:11–21)
- October 7, 2018, “Freedom!” Galatians 2:1–10 (Scripture readings: Exodus 5:22–6:12; Galatians 2:1–10)
- September 30, 2018, “The God Who Called You” Galatians 1:11–23 (Scripture readings: Jeremiah 1:1–10; Isaiah 49:1–7)
- September 23, 2018, “No Other Gospel!” Galatians 1:6–10 (Scripture readings: Jeremiah 23:1–8; Galatians 1)
- September 16, 2018, “Christ Gave Himself for You” Galatians 1:1-5 (Scripture Readings: Jeremiah 1; Galatians 1)
- September 9, 2018,“Come, Lord Jesus” Revelation 22:16–21 (Scripture readings: Isaiah 55; Revelation 22)
- August 19, 2018, “The Garden-City” Revelation 22:1–6 (Scripture readings: Ezekiel 47:1–12)
- July 29, 2018, “Books Were Opened” Revelation 20:11-15 (Scripture readings: Daniel 7; Revelation 20)
- July 8, 2018, “Satan’s Doom” Revelation 20:1–10 (Scripture readings: Ezekiel 38; Revelation 20)
- July 1, 2018 “King of Kings and Lord of Lords” Revelation 19:11–21 (Scripture readings: Isaiah 62:8–63:6; Revelation 19:11–21)
- June 24, 2018, “A Wedding Invitation” Revelation 19:1–10 (Scripture readings: Isaiah 25; Revelation 19)
- June 17, 2018, “EXIT!” Revelation 18:4–8 (Scripture readings: Isaiah 48:12–22; Revelation 18)
- June 10, 2018, “A Mysterious Name and a Battle with the Lamb” Revelation 17 (Scripture readings: Proverbs 7; Revelation 17)
- April 1, 2018, “The Truth and the Triumph of the Resurrection” (1 Corinthians 15:1-28, Psalm 110)
- January 21, 2018: “Only a Name?” Revelation 3:1-6 (Scripture readings: Joel 2:1-17; Revelation 3:1-6)
- January 14, 2018: “Serving the Son of God in a Politically Correct Culture” Revelation 2:18-29 (Scripture readings: Psalm 2; Revelation 2:18-29)
- December 17, 2017: “The Lord’s Servant” Luke 1:38 (Scripture readings: Psalm 99; Luke 1:26-56)
- December 10, 2017: “Joy to the World!” Psalm 98 (Scripture readings: Revelation 5; Psalm 98)
- December 3, 2017: “A New Name” Revelation 2:12-17 (Scripture readings: Isaiah 62; Revelation 2:12-17)
- November 26, 2017: “Things Are Not What They Seem,” Revelation 2:8-11 (Scripture readings: Isaiah 44:1-23; Revelation 2:8-11)
- November 19, 2017: “Eat from the Tree of Life,” Revelation 2:1-7 (Scripture readings: Genesis 2:1-17; Revelation 2:1-7)
- November 12, 2017: “One Like a Son of Man,” Revelation 1:9-20 (Scripture readings: Daniel 7:1-14; Revelation 1:9-20)
- November 5, 2017: “The Revelation of Jesus Christ,” Revelation 1:1-8 (Scripture readings: Exodus 3 and Revelation 1:1-8)
- February 19, 2017:
When God Descends, Exodus 19:16-25 (Hebrews 12:18-29; Exodus 19)
- October 4, 2015: Live as a Pilgrim People Hebrews 11:13-16
- February 22, 2015: The Author of Your Salvation Hebrews 2:10-13
- February 15, 2015: We See Jesus Hebrews 2:5-9
- February 8, 2015: Miracles–Why and When? Hebrews 2:3-4
- February 1, 2015: Pay Attention! (Hebrews 2:1-3
- January 25, 2015: Better than Angels! Hebrews 1:5-14
- January 18, 2015: The Magnificence of the Son Hebrews 1:3-4
- January 11, 2014: God Has Spoken. Are You Listening? Hebrews 1:1-2
- January 4, 2015: A Word of Exhortation Hebrews 13:22
- December 8, 2013: A Blind Seer of the Star of Jacob (3.2 MB) Numbers 24:17
- December 1, 2013: The Promise of Christmas (3.8 MB) Genesis 3:14-15
- April 7, 2013: The Gift of Peace (4 MB) John 14:25-31
- March 31, 2013 a.m.: First Things First (4.4 MB) 1 Corinthians 15:3-4
- March 31, 2013 p.m.: Hope for the Helpless — The Rev. Steve Oeverman (4.1 MB) Psalm 13
- March 24, 2013: Triumphantly into the Temple (4.4 MB) Matthew 21:12-17
- March 17, 2013: Is God at Home in You? (4.2 MB) John 14:15, 21-24
- March 10, 2013: Another Helper (4.1 MB) John 14:16-20
- March 3, 2013: Are You Doing Greater Works than Jesus? (4.3 MB)” John 14:11-14
- February 24, 2013: An Answer to Two Crucial Questions (4.0 MB) John 14:1-11
- February 17, 2013: How Does the World Recognize You? (4.0 MB) John 13:31-38
- February 10, 2013: Betrayal! (4.8 MB) John 13:18-30
- February 3, 2013: The Order of the Towel (4.3 MB) John 13:1-17
- January 27, 2013: Darkness! (4.4 MB) John 12:37-50
- January 20, 2013: The Son of Man Glorified (4.9 MB) John 12:20-36
- January 13, 2013: The Triumphal Entry from a Post-Resurrection Perspective (4.6 MB) John 12:12-19
- January 6, 2013: Funereal Perfume (4.2 MB) John 12:1-11
- December 30, 2012: Life-Changing Unbelief (4.4 MB) John 11:45-57
- December 25, 2012: Mary Treasured Up All These Things (3.9 MB) Luke 2:19
- December 23, 2012: All The Fullness of the Deity (3.9 MB) Colossians 2:9-10
- December 16, 2012: Looking to the Throne of His Kingdom as We Grieve 2 Samuel 7:11-16 (audio unavailable)
- December 9, 2012: The Staff and the Stall (4.3 MB) Genesis 49:8-12
- December 2, 2012: The Resurrection and the Life (4.2 MB) John 11:17-44
- November 25, 2012: Sickness for God’s Glory (4.2 MB) John 11:1-16
- November 18, 2012: Give Thanks in All Circumstances (3.8 MB) 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
- November 11, 2012: Speaking “Amen” to the Glory of God (4.6 MB) 2 Corinthians 1:18-22
- November 4, 2012: The Scripture Cannot Be Broken (3.8 MB) John 10:31-42
- October 28, 2012: Safe in the Father’s Hand (4.1 MB) John 10:22-33
- October 21, 2012: The Good Shepherd (3.9 MB) John 10:1-21
- October 14, 2012: The Seeing Blind and the Blind Seers (4.2 MB) John 9:35-41
- October 7, 2012: Displaying and Doing the Work of God (3.6 MB) John 9:1-12
- September 30, 2012: The Cross Enthronement of the Son of God — the Rev. David Thommen (5.1 MB) Mark 15:16-39
- September 23, 2012: Do You See What Abraham Saw? (4.2 MB) John 8:48-59
- September 16, 2012: Your Family Likeness (3.6 MB) John 8:42-47
- September 9, 2012: The Truth Shall Set You Free (4.1 MB) John 8:31-32
- September 2, 2012: The Light of the World (4.0 MB) John 8:12
- August 26, 2012: Who Do You Think Jesus Is? (4.3 MB) John 7:40-52
- August 19, 2012: Are You Thirsty? (3.9 MB) John 7:37-39
- August 5, 2012: Going Up To the Feast of Tabernacles–Or Not (3.4 MB) John 7:1-24
- July 29, 2012: A Hard Teaching (4.4 MB) John 6:60-71
- July 22, 2012: Feed on Christ (4.2 MB) John 6:52-59
- July 15, 2012: All that the Father Gives Will Come (4 MB) John 6:36-40
- July 1, 2012: The Bread of Life (4.6 MB) John 6:25-35
- June 24, 2012: The Absence and Presence of Jesus (3.7 MB) John 6:16-27
- June 17, 2012: What Kind of King? (4.3 MB) John 6:1-15
- June 3, 2012: Scripture-Searching Unbelief (4.2 MB) John 5:39-47
- May 27, 2012: Have You Been Convicted by the Counselor? (4.4 MB) John 16:5-11
- May 20, 2012: Jesus, the Just Judge (4.4 MB) John 5:30-38
- May 13, 2012: Mother’s Day in the Household of God (4.2 MB) Proverbs 31:10-31
- May 6, 2012: Have You Heard the Voice? You Will! (4.4 MB) John 5:19-30
- April 29, 2012: Light for the Dungeon of Disappointment — the Rev. Dan McManigal (4.5 MB) Genesis 40
- April 22, 2012: Like Father, Like Son! (4.4 MB) John 5:1-18
- April 15, 2012: What Kind of Faith? (MB) John 4:43-54
- April 8, 2012: Hear the Voice of the Risen Lord (3.8 MB) John 20:1-18
- April 6, 2012: “Here Is Your Son. . . Here Is Your Mother” (3.3 MB) John 19:25-27
- April 1, 2012: What Do You Do with a King on a Donkey? (5.1 MB) John 12:12-19
- March 25, 2012: See Your World the Way Christ Does! (4.4 MB) John 4:27-42
- March 18, 2011: Are You the Kind of Worshiper God Seeks? (4.8 MB) John 4:19-26
- March 11, 2012: Drink the Living Water (4.3 MB) John 4:1-26
- March 4, 2012: The Spirit without Limit (4.3 MB) John 3:31-36
- February 19, 2012: Do You Want To Know What Real Love Is? (4.3 MB) John 3:16
- February 12, 2012: Wind, Water, and Your Heart (4.7 MB) John 2:23–3:9
- February 5, 2012: The True Temple and an “Aha!” Moment (4.9 MB) John 2:12-25
- January 29, 2012: Glorious, Abundant Wine (4.5 MB) John 2:1-11
- January 29, 2012, evening service: Surrounded by Seaweed Sin and Sovereign Salvation — The Rev. Dan McManigal (2.9 MB) Jonah 2:9
- January 22, 2012: About What Are You Enthusiastic? (4.4 MB) John 1:35-51
- January 15, 2012: The Lamb’s Baptism (7.1 MB) John 1:29-34
- January 8, 2012: A Faith that Frowns — The Rev. Dan McManigal (6.2 MB) Genesis 48:17-22
- January 1, 2012: John on the Witness Stand (6.4 MB) John 1:15-28
- December 25, 2011: The Word Became Flesh (3.8 MB) John 1:10-14
- December 18, 2011: The Light of Christmas (3.9 MB) John 1:6-9
- December 11, 2011: The Word in the Beginning (4.2 MB) John 1:1-5
Oct. 21, 2008: ~ Richard B. Gaffin’s seminary-level lecture, “Calvin on Union with Christ and Justification,” given in Corvallis click here. (Linked from Westminster Presbyterian Church site)
- Oct. 20, 2008: ~ Lecture “A Good Work Begun: Christ’s Resurrection and the Christian Life” ~ The Rev. Richard B. Gaffin, Jr., Th.D. Question & Answer Time (6.9 MB), Q & A (3.6MB) Brochure
- Oct. 19, 2008 p.m.: Our Poverty in Prayer ~ the Rev. Richard B. Gaffin, Jr. (4.7 MB) Romans 8:12-28
- July 20, 2008, a.m.: Made Well by Mercy – The Rev. Mark Sumpter (3.7 MB) John 5:1-15
- July 20, 2008, p.m.: Man Before the Face of God – The Rev. Mark Sumpter (4.7 MB) Genesis 1:1-2:3
- July 20, 2008: Sunday School lesson (partial) – The Rev. Mark Sumpter (4.6 MB)
- July 19, 2008: Session 1 “Biblical Ingredients of a Household-Like Youth Ministry” – The Rev. Mark Sumpter (7 MB)
- July 19, 2008: Session 2 “Mobilizing the Congregation for Ministy” – The Rev. Mark Sumpter (5 MB)
- July 19, 2008: Session 3 Discussion – The Rev. Mark Sumpter mp3 (11 MB)
- March 11, 2007: Sunday School class on The Divine and Human in Scripture (4.3 MB), and handout