“Murder She Wrote” became a long-running mystery show staring Angela Lansbury, partly because of our interest in the crime of murder. However, in Matthew 5:21–26, Jesus is concerned not just with the act of murder, but with your tongue, and your heart.
Jesus tells you to avoid murder—from the heart. We tend to externalize God’s commands, including the prohibition against murder. The Pharisees, for all of their interest in the law of God, tended to minimize the sweep of his commandments. (They had to, if they were going to convince themselves that they were earning righteousness with God.) We tend to externalize God’s Law. If we can reduce obedience to outward commands, we may not feel too guilty. After all, most of us have never stabbed anyone or shot a neighbor in cold blood. Our society redefines persons and even death in an attempt to justify the taking of lives of those who do not meet certain standards.
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