If you are familiar with rattlesnakes, you probably don’t consider a brood of them cute and friendly! Appreciate the language Jesus used in Matthew 23:33–39 in criticizing the Pharisees.
Beware of vipers! The Pharisees were dangerous. Jesus does not lightly call the Pharisees and teachers of the law snakes. They appeared outwardly religious, but inside were full of spiritual death and decay. The Pharisees were not only the biological descendants of those who murdered the prophets, they failed to realize that they were the spiritual heirs of the same rebellious, murderous spirit. “Now that the prophets were safely out of the way and they could no longer hear the thunderbolts those great men hurled at conventional religiosity, they could safely applaud all that the prophets had said, quite oblivious of the fact that their lives gave daily evidence that the kind of thing the prophets denounced lived on.” (Leon Morris, The Gospel According to Matthew, p. 586) They would continue to persecute God’s messengers, verse 34. They were plotting the death of the Messiah himself. The term, “snakes,” fit, since they were followers of the Serpent who deceived mankind.
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