Remember the acronym ASK as a summary of Matthew 7:7–11. The simple verse is profoundly comforting as you look at needs that seem overwhelming.
Ask, and you will receive! Keep on asking! Asking, seeking, and knocking can be distinguished, but the focus here is not on the differences between asking and seeking or knocking. Rather, they have a supportive and cumulative effect. Jesus himself encourages you to ask! The present imperatives have the force of “keep on asking… seeking… knocking.” Jesus commands persistence in your prayer. He made a similar point in the parable of the persistent widow, Luke 18:1-8. This instruction in prayer follows the command not to judge. How do you avoid the natural self-centeredness? Jesus says, “Ask!” How do you receive the wisdom to know when continuing to speak would be throwing pearls to pigs? Ask! Keep on praying. You are not just mechanically asking for certain things. Rather, you are communicating with your Father in heaven. “When we have tasted something of the breadth and length and depth and height of of the love that passeth knowledge there is a corresponding enlargement of heart and of mind, there is an establishing of communion, there is an exploring of the riches of the covenant of grace and of the treasures wisdom and knowledge that constrains to enlarging, ever-widening, ever rising prayer and praise. Make every experience of his mercy the reason and ground for increased more abundant prayer. ‘Ask and shall be given you; seek and ye shall find; knock and it shall be opened unto you. For every one that asketh, receiveth, and he that seeketh, findeth, and to him that knocketh, it shall be opened unto him’ (Luke 11:9–10).” (Collected Writings of John Murray, Vo. 3, p. 171).
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