Christmas gifts are often wrapped with love and given to people close to you. Listen to what Jesus says in Matthew 5:43–48 about whom to love.
Love your enemies. Love your neighbor—and your enemies! Jesus’ quote (“you have heard that it was said”) includes Scripture, Leviticus 19:18. Jesus is certainly not abrogating this Old Testament command, for he quotes it as one of the two great commandments, Matthew 22:39. But sinful people that we are, we take what God says and try to limit the scope of his command. In Luke 10, after Jesus tells the expert in the law to do what he had summarized—love God and love your neighbor—the man asks, “who is my neighbor?” Jesus responds with the parable of the Good Samaritan. The next step in limiting the scope of what God says is to insert something that God does not say—love your neighbor, but hate your enemy. Even Leviticus 19:33 goes on to command that you treat the alien well. We resonate with that kind of reaction. It is easy to find excuses why I don’t have to love this person. But Jesus commands you to love your enemies.
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