You move into a house, new, or new to you, and it begins to reflect your tastes, your personality. What does a house for God look like? Exodus 25:8-9 shows God pointing his people to the pattern he would reveal to Moses on the mountain.
God dwells with you. This theme runs through the Scriptures. In Eden God came down and had fellowship with Adam and Eve, mankind made in his image. The fall disrupted that fellowship. Cherubim with a sword blocked the way to the Tree of Life and the fellowship our first parents had had with God. But God, in his grace, was not satisfied to leave it that way. Jump to the end of Scripture, Revelation 21:15-27, and in the new heavens and earth you have God dwelling with his people. There is no temple, but, as Vos points out, this is not a city without a church, but a city that is a church. This is a theme that runs through the Bible, tying Scripture together. Abraham and the patriarchs built altars, often at locations connected with trees, worshiped God. But now, after the Egyptian slavery, the family has become a nation. God will not longer visit occasionally—he is having his people build a house for him, a place where he will dwell in the midst of his people. Here is where God’s people would gather to offer their worship. “[T]he tabernacle . . . is the place where the people offer their worship to God. It is the palace of the King in which people render Him homage.” (Geerhardus Vos, Biblical theology, p. 168). Later, when God’s people settled in the promised land, the movable Tabernacle was replaced by the larger scale Temple. But both buildings fell short of the reality they represented. Haggai comforted those rebuilding the Temple after the Babylonian exile, that the glory of that house would be greater than that of Solomon’s Temple. Jesus pointed to himself, or better, himself with his people for whom he would die and rise again, as the true Temple. God no longer has a tent, a wooden framework covered with embroidered linen, or a stone building lined with cedar and covered with gold, as the place where he meets us. Rather his Temple is made of living stones. The church corporately and believers individually are, by the Spirit, the dwelling place of God. And it finds its full development in the perfection of the new heavens and earth, the magnificent garden city, like the Most Holy Place, forming a cube. Continue reading “Building a Tabernacle for God”