An immigrant, upon naturalization, takes an oath renouncing all foreign titles and allegiances. He pledges to support and defend the Constitution, and to bear arms on behalf of the United States. In this petition of the Lord’s Prayer in Matthew 6:10 you pray for the advance of God’s kingdom.
for the advance of God’s kingdom. The kingdom involves the rule of
God. The kingdom was present in the Old Testament. In the Old
Testament the idea of kingship was more common than the term kingdom.
It refers to God’s universal reign, Psalm 47:2; 103:19. The Lord is
specifically the King of Israel, Isaiah 41:21; Exodus 19:4-6; (and
the whole concept of the theocracy). God’s glorious future rule was
the hope of the Old Testament church, Isaiah 11:1-10. Salvation is:
enduring, Isaiah 51:6; the product of God’s work, Isaiah 61:1-3; and
results in the new heavens (Isaiah 65:17), the end of death (Isaiah
25:7), the resurrection of the dead (Isaiah 26:19), and the rule of
the Messiah (Isaiah 11:10). Later Judaism added the strain of a
purely earthly, national triumph, though still combined with the rule
of the Messiah. The New Testament builds on the concept of the
kingdom in the Old. John the Baptist preached the coming of the
kingdom as he heralded the Messiah’s arrival, Matthew 3:2. Jesus
preached the kingdom, Matthew 4:17,23. The kingdom is a theme of
early preaching, Acts 1:3; 8:12. While some passages speak of the
kingdom as God’s rule (John 18:36), others imply that the kingdom
involves people and a realm (Matthew 5:19; 8:11). The kingdom of God
is both a future and a present reality. It is future, Matthew 4:17;
8:11. This petition of the Lord’s Prayer suggest a future nature
(your kingdom come). Yet the kingdom was, and is, a present reality,
Matthew 11:11; 16:19. Jesus defined his ministry in terms of the
kingdom, Luke 4:16-21,43. The kingdom is a present reality, for the
Messianic King has come. The age of the church of Jesus Christ is
thus a kingdom age. The resurrection of Jesus, the climax of his
kingdom ministry, is the foundation of the church. Appreciate both
its present reality and the potential of its future consummation!
“The kingdom of God, which was foretold and expected by the
prophets, in which God would be king and his will the delight of
everyone, which in origin and and character is a heavenly kingdom and
already present in heaven now (Matt. 6:10)—that kingdom is now
coming on earth and is near (Mark 1:15).” “[T]o the extent that
the rule of God is not immediately fully realized in believers here
on earth, and they on their part do not yet fully receive and enjoy
the goods of that kingdom—eternal life, the vision of God, complete
salvation—the kingdom is indeed still in the future. . . . But
insofar as it is established here on earth by the person and works of
Christ and is planted in human hearts by rebirth, faith, and
repentance, that kingdom is present. . . .” (Herman Bavinck,
Reformed Dogmatics, Vol. 3,
pages 246 & 247)
for God’s rule. Prayer advances God’s rule. It is one of the means
that builds the kingdom. It is something you can continue to do! Pray
for the progress of the kingdom. Give thanks for its present
character and for the redemptive events on which it is founded. Pray
for its progressive realization and future consummation. God’s rule
changes the world. The kingdom
comes as the Father,
on the basis of Christ’s
atonement, through the power of the Holy
Spirit, rules in
the hearts and lives of his people. In a sinful world, only as
God’s rule advances can there be lasting improvements in your own
life and in national and international conditions. Avoid substitutes
that put the kingdom of men in the place of God’s kingdom. “This
threefold office of Christ as prophet, priest, and king together with
his headship over the church has vast implications for how we
consider his church. Plainly, it ought to shape how we think and
speak of it, how we order it, how we serve in it, and how we worship
in it—for it is his church, and we must seek his will diligently
and constantly in all that we do.” (Chad Van Dixhoorn, Confessing
the Faith, p. 108)
yourself in service to the King. Make this prayer your own. Prayer
advances God’s rule. It is one of the means that builds the kingdom.
It is something you can continue to do! Pray for the progress of the
kingdom. Give thanks for its present character and for the redemptive
events on which it is founded. Pray and work for God’s kingdom to
grow and advance in your marriage, in your family life, in the way
you interact with those around you. Pray for its progressive
realization and future consummation. God’s rule changes the world.
The kingdom comes as the Father, on the basis of Christ’s atonement,
through the power of the Holy Spirit, rules in the hearts and lives
of his people. In a sinful world, only as God’s rule advances can
there be lasting improvements in your own life and in national and
international conditions. Avoid substitutes that put the kingdom of
men in the place of God’s kingdom.
in God’s kingdom. This petition involves a concern for missions. The
Great Commission is the marching orders for the kingdom. Pray for,
give, and work for the spread of the gospel, in this community and
throughout the world. Use your gifts in the kingdom. Although the
concepts of the kingdom and the church are not identical, they are
basically co-extensive. “The kingdom-idea is the clearest
expression of the principle that . . . everything is subservient to
the glory of God. In this respect the kingdom is the most profoundly
religious of all biblical conceptions.” (Geerhardus Vos, The
Kingdom of God and the Church, p.102) Service in God’s kingdom
includes your entire life. As you wash the breakfast dishes (part of
caring for your covenant family), as you study for a geometry test
(learning to use the world around you for God’s glory), as you
perform your daily tasks to the honor of your Savior, you are
involved in the work of the kingdom. God has blessed you with gifts.
Use them to further his kingdom.
for the growth of God’s kingdom–and offer yourself in service to the
great King.