Are there things of which you ought properly to be afraid? Are there unreasonable phobias? What role does fear play in your relationship with God? Exodus 20:18-21 describes the fear of the people of Israel when God spoke to them—and the response of Moses. In what may seem (upon a superficial look) to be contradictory, he assures them that they should not be afraid, while, at the same time calling them to the fear of God. How do you, some 3,500 years later, think of God? Are you afraid—or not? Should you be afraid of God?
Do not be afraid. A holy God is someone to fear. The signs on the mountain indicated the presence of a holy God. God must punish sin. His holy nature cannot tolerate sin, Habakkuk 1:13a. With good reason Adam was frightened when God appeared in the Garden after he had sinned. John Murray writes, “When the reason for such dread exists, then to be destitute of it is the sign of hardened ungodliness.” By nature, as sinners, all of us have good reason to be terrified of God. Hebrews 10:31 reminds you that it is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. Continue reading “Afraid? Or Not Afraid?”